Roles of Zero Knowledge Proof in Blockchain Technology

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The principle of Zero-Knowledge Proof is fast being integrated into Blockchain technology. As a principle created for security and privacy of information, it is uplifting the primary purpose of blockchain technology. In this article, you’ll understand what Zero-Knowledge Proof is and its role in redefining the blockchain system.

What are Zero-Knowledge Proof?

Zero Knowledge Proof, ZKP for short, is a scheme for revealing an information to a person without necessarily providing extra details. Zero-knowledge proofs are spawned in some interactive engagements where a person (a prover) unveils a set of information to another person (a verifier), all without giving out more information. This medium ensures a transit of knowledge; in a subtle manner.

A good illustration is when Alice tells Bob about the five mangoes in her sack. Here, Alice is the prover and Bob is the verifier. Zero-knowledge requires that Bob is piqued to find out more but Alice, the prover, do not let out more information but to convince Bob to agree on the five mangoes in her sack. But how does she go out this?

In achieving a wholesome conviction, Zero-Knowledge Proof expects that individuals, provers, provides knowledge that possess absolute soundness, completeness, and zero-knowledge. Respectively, the soundness of a prover goes a long way on establishing a conviction; completeness is when a knowledge shared is indeed verifiable; when a verifier is unfamiliar with an introduced information - this is called zero-knowledge.

Forms of Zero Knowledge Proof

There are two kinds of two kinds of Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Interactive ZKP and Non-Interactive ZKP.

Interactive ZKP are physical engagement that requires the prover to convey sound, complete and verifiable knowledge to the verifier. This will expect from the prover a consistent channel, or level of conviction, in the processes of transferring knowledge to different verifiers.

Non-Interactive ZKP uses software that better convey information without providing any more extra information. This kind of ZKPs do not involve any voluntary interaction among involved parties. Good example is Zk-Snarks.

How does ZKPs benefit Blockchain Technology

The integration of ZKPs into blockchain technology is promising. This principle targets to achieve the following:

Privacy: While transactions on the blockchain system is still open to the public, ZKP is birthing a system where absolute privacy is achieved. This is what Tornado Cash do. It ensures that sensitive data aren’t shared.

Security: While information are not to be shared, this will tighten the security and give confidence to the blockchain technology.